Maki sushi. Rolls. They can be anything combined with sushi rice. (Sugar +vinegar. See? Sweet and sour, the eternally universally excellent combination because it hits two flavor spots simultaneously. Add something salty, like soy sauce, and you got a party going on.)
This is possibly the weirdest invention in the history of sushi. In Japan, they'd give me a medal. Either that or insist I commit seppuku.
American breakfast ingredients mixed with Asian elements.
* Rice instead of hash brown potatoes.
* Egg with a touch of sugar and gently fried as a crepe but without the batter.
* Uncured ham, which is simply amazing, and with no overpowering flavors.
* Broccoli, don't ask, I'm just insane. That's right, I said it, insane.
* Miso, because miso is amazing. 100% of Japanese people have a bowl of miso every morning instead of coffee. <--- possible exaggeration. It's packed with protein, easy to digest -- aids in digestion, substitutes for salt, low in calories. It's a World Power Food, with a thousand uses, and should blow you away. Soon to take over the nation, so brace yourself. * Wasabi. The real stuff. The really real stuff, not the fake horseradish crap made green with dye and with spinach, foisted upon an unsuspecting and uncritical public. This can be procured in specialty spice shops, is rather expensive, milder than the horseradish fakery, and accounts for the dull green color. Stick wid me, you'll learn sumpin. For the record, I like horseradish too, but it's not wasabi and they should never be conflated. I feel sorry for you suckers who can't tell the difference. *ducks* * Nori. What can I say? It's algae (a seaweed algae) dried, processed, and pressed into paper. Tastes like the ocean. What? You never tasted the ocean? You really gotta try it. OK fine. It tastes better than the ocean, which is actually kind of disgusting, so I take that back, don't taste the ocean. Fish poo in it. * You roll these up with the aid of a bamboo mat, like you're making a giant joint. What?

* Tamari is similar to soy sauce (shoyu). Tamari is a byproduct of making miso, it's an exceedingly dark and flavorful liquid that settles to the top of the vats as the miso ferments, so tamari, the real tamari, is fermented. Soy sauce produced in the US is an egregious fake out that often contains wheat. Bleh. It also substitutes for salt and is a fine flavor enhancer for people on salt-restricted diets, which isn't me. Having said all that, I use American produced soy sauce all the time, cuz I got no class.
So there ya go. This concludes my sushi-related pedantry for the day.
* This is just a portion of what I made. I also rolled some with Romaine lettuce instead of broccoli. They were all excellent. I recommend them. Follow in my footsteps, Kid, and broaden your horizons, whydontcha?
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