I did not converse together with one of evil character but I did meet a lopsided man on one stilt

mḥ・n ḥmw・f šnwt m ỉt cš3 nn ḏr
his slaves filled the granary with plentiful grain without end which would be fine were it not for all the lizards
ỉw rdỉ・n wỉ ḥm n-nsw-bỉt sḥtp-ỉb-rc m ḥ3ty-c n nỉwt・ỉ
His Majesty, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, Sehotepibre, made me the big kahuna of my city. ROAR!
As long as there is the sky my monuments will be on the earth although a couple of them might lean over
(As long as heaven exists)

n sp ỉr・t(w) mỉtt ỉn bỉtyw ḏr rk nṯr-rc
never had the like been done by the kings of Lower Egypt since the time of the sun god who presented a Japanese flag following a talk about the bees and the birds

nn mhy・ỉ ḥr sḫr nb n nb・ỉ
I will not be careless concerning any plan of my lord and by lord I mean boss and by boss I mean asshole who threatened to put my head on a pike

rdỉ・n・f pr・ỉ r K3š tnw rnpt n gm・n・tw sp・ỉ ỉm
he caused me to go to Cush every year and by not fault of mine was found there where the owl and myself had pizza
ỉw ỉn・h ḥm-nṯr pn šs m ỉkr bỉt nn wn mỉtw・f m t3 pn r ḏr・f
this priest brought the scribe who was excellent of qualities, there was not his equal in the entire land and for that we have the NEA to thank
rdỉ・n・sn n・s nhy n t ḥnḳt
they gave to her a little of bread and beer but it was the beer that got her all tied up in knots
Okay, fine! I might have made up parts of that.
Don't you think granary should be spelled grainary? Just say'n. See all the irrational stuff you gott'a remember? Ya know how I explain that? Laziness, pure and simple. Intergenerational laziness on a national scale.
Boy, I sure did learn a lot today. I learned how to make cartouches in JSesh (easy) and how to freeform ligatures the easy way using the menu instead of the numerical way going strictly by the coding which is totally numerical and adjusting until it's right, or at least acceptable. I also learned how to save, in HTML at least, which provides access to the supporting files, and as PNG if not in JPEG (which is offered but doesn't work on Mac, I'll try again on PC later), and to resize the whole lot while still vectored instead of as bitmaps which do not resize well at all and use an excess of memory. And that's a lot! I learned they do upload nicely as PNG files and as transparencies and all that is fine and wonderful. *buffs nails on shirt* Oh wait, I'm not wearing a shirt, damn, I just buffed my nails on my chest skin. Wow. That really shines 'em up too.
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